I guess my doctor didn't like being on a break either. While yesterday I made peace with going to the fertility doctor, she was reconsidering. Turned out she called the Fertility doctor (the main guy not the one my appointment is with) and asked his take on my progesterone request.
He told her that he agrees that LPD (luteal phase defect) should be treated with clomid, but if I am insistent on progesterone supplements than "it isn't worth arguing about". He said it wouldn't do any harm and if it brought me peace than go for it.
So that means we aren't on a break! She said if I get a BFP I should come to her not the fertility doctor and I should cancel my fertility appointment.
But here is the catch, if I cancel that appointment my mother in law will personally drag me out of the house by my hair (making note not to hurt my healing uterus) and then my mom will roll over me in a semi truck. They are both thrilled that I am "finallllly" (to be read exasperatingly) seeing an expert.
What I realized is I don't know if I have LPD because I haven't tracked my cycle since my miscarriage in April and now I don't have the mutant fibroid. So all I want is to try the first cycle on my own, if I do get a BFP, bring on the progesterone need be, and if I don't I will take the clomid.
I am going to keep my appointment and at least get a game plan in case I do have LPD. And this way my mom won't live with the guilt of maiming her daughter.
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