I still contend that it takes the precision of a rocket scientist to get pregnant (unless, of course, you are a teenager and scared to death of having a baby). Despite the work involved (temping, charting,OPKs, fertility monitoring, and let's be honest, doing the deed as a command performance) I kind of missed it.
The last time I new everything anyone would ever want to know about their own cycle was March-the month I got pregnant. After the miscarriage and my doctor's edict "do not get pregnant", I found it liberating not to set my alarm to 5:30am seven days a week to temp, not to pee on a stick 20 mornings a month, and not to date rape my husband after an uneventful and not particularly romantic dinner.
But now that it has been 5 months, I kind of miss it. I want to know if all my efforts have paid off. And let's call a spade a spade, I didn't take my fertility efforts in moderation. To recap I am seeing a reflexologist about 2x a month (though we will up once I can start TTC again), I am taking B-6 vitamins in an effort to lengthen my luteal phase, I started Atkins to help regulate hormones and hopefully help my long cycle, I started exercising 5 times a week without fail, I lost a bunch of weight and I had the mutant fibroid extricated from my body. Now, with the exception of fibroid, these other efforts have been consistent for 4 months and no longer a shock to my system.
I am seriously looking forward to setting the alarm early for my temp (though I got a 20 minute grace period from my DH, he agreed to never set his alarm before 5:50am), using my overpriced but well-worth it monitor, tracking my luteal phase, and of course inviting daydreams of my BFP back into my every day life.
I guess you don't appreciate what you have till it's gone.
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