Sunday, June 14, 2009

Drug Addicts and Newlyweds

There is a secret rage that simmers in almost everyone who is have fertility problems. Some people shoot daggers at the back of the heads of the pregnant friends and co-workers. Others have visions of sticking a voodoo doll with pins each time someone innocently asks when they are going to have kids.

I have previously have been irked by those married 5 minutes and then announce their pregnancies. I have matured since then. I save my fertility angst for drug addicts and people who are clearly horrible parents.

You might be asking yourself what kind of crowd do I hang with. My crowd is comprised of all upstanding citizens. So where do I find these derelicts? TV of course.

My husband is obsessed with the TV show Intervention on A&E. If you haven't seen the show, it is a documentary (new one each week) of a person with an addiction (from eating disorders, heroin, to sniff paint cans). I get infuriated when I see people doing meth and are pregnant or already have kids. This is a common occurance on the show. It makes my blood boil and I just want to have an "it's not fair" tantrum.

Then there is the local news. This past week in Chicago, a story came out about a woman who abandon her baby with the umbilical cord still attached. I understand some people are in bad situations, but it just the cruelest irony that it was horribly easy for the abandoner to get pregnant and they don't even want that gift, and it is horribly difficult for me to have a baby and I want it more than anything.

Feel free to rant with me. What type of pregnant people or parents irk you most?


  1. im with you, its a disgrace. I also hate those addicts etc that seem to get pregnant and have healthy babies somehow! I have 1 son born 13 week premature 1lb 11oz and spent 14 weeks in NICO and has had a host of issues since. We are triying again but so far no luck - 6 months in.... babydust!

  2. I know, just last night my husband was watching intervention and the meth addict had a kid. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
