Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Implantation Signs: Dips and Spotting

Although roughly only a 1/3 of all pregnancies start with implantation bleeding, it is one of those signs that TTCers love to over-analyze.

Bleeding before you period could be taken as a bad sign (short LP, low progesterone, hormone imbalance) and a dip in temperatures could signify that progesterone is losing its battle with estrogen and your period is on its way.

Perhaps reading into luteal phase spotting or temperature declines helps ease are minds during the TWW.

There is however, scientific evidence that some people do experience implantation signs. Implantation is defined as the fertilized egg attaching to the uterine wall.

Here is the what, why, and when.

Implantation Dip:
  • What: A drop in temperatures during your luteal phase
  • Why: Progesterone is the predominate hormone in the first part of your luteal phase. It causes your body temperature to go up. During the course of the luteal phase, estrogen kicks back in, causing temps to decline, but if implantation occured, the corpus luteum is rescued, and progesterone is back in charge. This brief balance of power causes the temperature dip. It is typically defined as at least a 0.3 drop in temperature for just one day.
  • When: Typically 7-10dpo (this is an average so could be earlier or later).
  • What else you need to know: Just because you have a temperature drop during this time frame, does not mean you are pregnant. Charts that have temp dips are more prevalent on charts resulting in pregnancy versus just ovulatory charts. On the flip, just because you do not have a dip, does not mean that you won't be pregnant. According to a study by, the most common days for a temp dip are 7-8dpo and 23% of pregnancy charts had an implantation dip.

Implantation Spotting (AKA implantation bleeding):

  • What: Light spotting for a brief period of time during the luteal phase
  • Why: A result of the fertilized egg burrowing into the uterine wall
  • When: Typically 8 to 12 dpo
  • What I need to know: Like luteal phase temperature dips, spotting in the luteal phase does not mean you are pregnant, it is just a pattern more common on pregnancy charts than ovulatory charts. If you don't have implantation, you still have a great shot of being pregnant. Implantation spotting occurs in about 1/3 of pregnancies. Typically it is pinkish or brown in color, although it could look like blood. It is lighter than menstrual bleeding. It generally lasts for one to two days. Often it is mistaken for a period because it occurs close to the time your cycle should start.

I haven't found research about what comes first, implantation spotting or implantation dip. I looked at myriad charts in's chart gallery and what I discovered was often they occured the same day. Implantation dips were more likely to precede implantation bleeding.

Once the fertilized egg implants, it starts creating HCG, the pregnancy hormone that pregnancy tests check for. I have tried in vain to find a definitive answer as to how soon you would get a positive pregnancy test. From what I found, it runs the gamut from 2 days to 1 week. The majority of sites say wait at least 4 to 5 days. The agony of waiting!

I would love to hear if you had implantation spotting, dips, and how long you needed to wait to get a BFP!


  1. I had implantation bleeding at 8 DPO. I don't think I had a dip in temperature, though. The thing is, that I usually spot before my period, though that wasn't a sign for pregnancy. I didn't test until 12DPO when I got a faint positive. (M/C at 27 DPO, though)

  2. I had a big implantation dip around 10DPO when I got pregnant. I didn't test until 22DPO, though; thought it was too good to be true. Got very dark BFP, but by then I was 5+ weeks, so no wonder!

  3. I had a dip below cover line at 6dpo and that afternoon i had very very light pink/orange spotting. It only lasted for two hours. Today is 7DPO and I think I may have a very very faint line on my pregnancy test but nothing definite yet. Will update tomorrow.

  4. Brown discharge before period is very common with womens. There are so many causes of this problem. if you’re really worried about this.Checkout here

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