I normally weigh myself every day or two. Well two weeks before my last appointment I weighed myself on a Monday, and then didn't the rest of the week. That weekend I went out of town to visit my best friend who is also pregnant. We are roommates from college and used to love Papa John's Pizza in college but they don't have one in Chicago. So we ordered in Papa John's, because we could. We also had TCBY during the day with Reese's Cups sprinkled on top. But heck,we were pregnant. I then get back and the next day had my Bachelor Party (a screeing of the Bachelor Final Rose, it is a tradition I have had for about 8 years for the people in my Bachelor Pool). And so there was more pizza eating and some candy eating. So yes, I threw nutrition to the wind for a 3 day bender.
Well Tuesday, three days before the last appointment, I weighed myself and was up 5 pounds from the Monday before, not to mention a couple pounds from the rest of the month.
I then started crazy workouts, like an hour and a half on the elliptical everyday. I only got carbs from fruit and vegetables. And by my Friday appointment I lost 4 of the 5 Papa John's pounds.
Well two days after the appointment I put on those 4 pounds right away, to no fault of my eating or exercising, which had gone back to normal routines.
During the last 4.5 weeks I put on 9 pound, but I like to think it was really 5 because of the 4 Papa John's pounds. I told my webkins and they were all like, the doctor isn't going to say anything. Wrong. She did. She she that was a lot of weight to put on in a month (four AND a HALF weeks, thank you very much) and then asked if I was drinking calories- nope, just water. Working out- yep about 4 times a week. So she said to watch portions and I would be checked again at my next appointment which is only 2 weeks away. So that was the bad news. She wasn't mean about it, so I didn't want to burst in tears, I certainly didn't want to hear about it though.
The good news is she too had anterior placenta. This is where the placenta is in front of the baby. Normal placenta is behind the baby between the baby and the spine. You don't feel much movement because it is like the baby is kicking a sponge and the shock is being absorbed by the placenta. It is a total mindtrick and drives me crazy. I go days without feeling a kick and then the next day he will be active. I told her this so she sent me for an Ultrasound. It has been 10 weeks since my last scan.
I got a 3-D picture. It is so crazy. I had one at 19.5 weeks but he looked like a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Now he actually looks like a cutey baby. But he does have on noteworthy feature. During her exam, the tech kept saying, "check out those lips". I couldn't see much. Well then she prints out the pictures and my kid has some massive and I mean massive lips. No one that I know of on either side of our families has disproportionately large lips. The tech said it could be swollen from all the fluid in the womb.
So I send my hubby the picture and he writes back asking about his mouth. I met with the doctor again and she said it is probably the technology and this is why she doesn't like these pictures because it makes parents neurotic.
We had decided we weren't going to get a 3-D at one of those places that you pay to go. But I have to say, I am so happy we have a picture. Even though it probably will look nothing like him, it makes it so real. He is estimated to be 3lb 4oz and he looks like a baby. As much as I loved him before yesterday, I think I love him more now, just because it is so clear there is a little person inside. I definitely think our parents feel more connected too.
Check out the rock star.
i had an anterior placenta too. it sucks. i didn't feel her move 'til 23 weeks. boo!